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A Scout or Bushi Archetype from the Book of Engoku.


The Metsuke are detectives, part of a government police force. In many ways they are spies of the Nippon government, sent to observe and report on incidents all across the realms to Kyoto, the capitol of Nippon.


Metsuke wear the standard hakama/kimono combination, but also wore a haori (coat) with the kanji ‘go’ and ‘yo’, meaning ‘official business’. They also commonly wore jingasa (a sort of military hat).

Essential Abilities

(scout): Truth and Tracking are essential to discerning what’s going on in the land.

Suggested Abilities

(both): Often serving the role of executioner, combat skills are a must for Metsuke.

Role-Playing Notes

Metsuke are hated by all, but live a charmed life, protected by the Emperor himself. That makes them cocky, and often corrupt. They are observers by nature.


Often the Metsuke carry the daisho: the katana and wakisashi (long and short florentine) combination. Even more common, though is the jutte, a short club with a single hook. It is designed to block the sharpest sword, and break the blade, making taking your subject into custody much easier.