Ice of Redhawk

From AmtWiki

Viscount Sir Ice of RedHawk , of Mourningwood Glen EH

”Elves....KIL THE ELVES”




Affiliated Groups

Former member of the Justicars.

Former member of house Redhawk.

Belted Family

Ice has one Squire of his own, Korlys. Before entering the peerage Ice was squire to Sparhawk Kingfisher who was squire to Leif McPayne Who was Squire to Auromax Silverhawk who was Squire to Thorn Crossbearer. Ice has also had the pleasure of having one his squires join the peerage, Kerb.

Notable Accomplishments

Knighted by Sir Auromax (great Grand Knight) , Sir Leif (grand Knight) and Sir Sparhawk; first 4th generation Sword Belt by 1st belt

Additional Images



More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website