History of the Rising Winds

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History of the Rising Winds Part I

"History of The Rising Winds Part I

written by areth nar on june 1, 2000. The following is a written history of Amtgardia in the Midwest, and more specifically the Lands of the Rising Winds, as written from the perspective of one man, Chris Brooke (AKA Areth Nar and/or Spencer). I say this because I do not want it to be perceived that this document is to be interpreted as the entire truth behind the Foundation of the Rising Winds. The reality is that many people have put their blood sweat and tears into this fine land we now call the Rising Winds and it was not the intention of the author to claim any credit beyond that warranted. It was determined that, due to my length of Amtgard service, that it should be I that would compile the written history of these lands.

I begin the story in the late summer of 1983. It was an August evening in the basement of my parents (in O'Fallon, Ill) home that this where it all started. About a dozen of us had been playing a well-known role-playing game when there was a knock on the back door. To my surprise it was my best friend Clifford Kinder, who had moved to El Paso, Texas just a few months before. In his hands were a number of curious items. The first was a small photocopied rulebook and in the other there were two, what appeared to be an overstuffed cutoff jean legs. As I am sure you can imagine our curiosity was peaked almost instantly. Cliff quickly explained that in Texas there was this small group of people who made padded swords and would "reenact D&D type stuff". Well within about 10 minutes our role-play group had put the dice and papers away and were in the back yard beating each other. Within 2 hours several members had run out and gotten PVC and carpet padding and had already made crude swords. Then what, I assume was the first battlegame in the Midwest, ensued. It was a simple capture the flag battlegame that would not be the last.

Weeks would pass and the number of weapons would increase. People would explore the wide variety of classes.Warrior, Wizard, Scout and Healer (yes that was all there was). There wasn't much point to worry about levels as there was none, (with the only exception of wizard who could either be an Apprentice or after 12 weeks a Master). Soon we had managed to recruit all of the other RP players in my high school and a number of the football team members. Almost from the start we would have battlegames that would range from a few to a couple of dozen. We would hold the first 24-hour battlegames, weekend games, etc. Unfortunately this group would be disbanded almost as quickly as it started. For many of us 1983-1984 was our senior year and although we came to love Amtgard the following June '84 was dealt a killing blow, I would move from O'Fallon to Indianapolis, IN. With the departure of many of the key players the group would never hold another Amtgard event.

When I moved to Indianapolis, I was a stranger in a strange town, with a closet full of duct taped spears, swords, maces, flails, etc. It would not be long before I would find other role players and perform the ceremony of presenting the "jean swords". I would form a lifelong friendship with Lee Van (AKA Glavas Zorrollo) in the summer of 1984 and together we would hold a number of small battlegames during that summer. In the fall, Indiana Amtgard would come to a halt for a while, as Lee and I would go off to College, where we would spend more time carousing rather than Amtgarding. However the summer of 1985 would see another resurgence of Amtgard activity. Small skirmishes and one on one fights would be the primary activity.

The following fall 1985 would lead to my moving from a School in Illinois to a more localized University where we would begin the foundations of a larger and more active Amtgard group. We would recruit a number of people who would be notable figures for many years to come. Fred Winter (Beldareth), Steve Jacobs (Jake the Wise), Kevin Vieth (the social Tyrannosaur), just to name a few. We found a small park where we would attempt to avoid contact with any mundanes (after all we didn't want people to think we were weird, right?). Our Amtgard group would play, hidden from view, for the next few years (until about 1988) when most of us would graduate and find careers or move off to explore other opportunities in life. Amtgard it seemed was dead. After all we were probably the only ones in the world who even had a surviving copy of the rule book (which Glavas maintains to this day!).

By 1990 we felt that certainly Amtgard existed only in our memories now and my contact with Clifford Kinder had been completely severed. The weapons would sit idle in a shed for months on end, only being brought out occasionally (perhaps half a dozen times during a year) to do battle in the occasional 24 hour battlegames, Saturday capture the flag, or the like. We would recount the good old days, while sitting around the role-playing table. Like old warriors from forgotten wars, Glavas and I would bring forth the weapons and show them to our role-playing groups, hoping that in someway we could relive our previous glories. We would spark interest in the hearts of a few Steve Schuh (Rigel Orionis), Steve Wells (Soskus), John Givens (Borokotor), etc but dream it seemed was not to be rekindled. Years would pass without even the slightest sound of clashing swords..UNTIL.

October 16th 1997, a day I will remember well. I was in my office surfing the Internet for a project, completely unrelated to Amtgard. Suddenly, as if some higher power determined my soul needed to be refilled, there was the word AMTGARD at the top of my search results. Dumbfounded, I quickly thought; "this can't be the same Amtgard I am thinking of". Yet it was. Amtgard had not died in 1985 as we had come to assume. In fact it had thrived and blossomed to encompass the entire country, in fact the world. Strangely enough one of the few places it had failed to even get a foothold was the place where it's first Battles had been fought 14 years before. Within minutes I had fired off an email to Sir Ivar to request info about getting info about becoming part of "Official" Amtgard.

Within a couple of days Sir Ivar introduced me to Sir Bag'em who helped us form the Shire of Windmoor Crossing under the Golden Plains. Steve Schuh (Rigel Orionis), Jason Alexander (Moonstalker), Fred Winter (Beldafred) and I quickly formed the first Monarchy and began the task of assembling every role-player and former Amtgardian we could find. We took Amtnames (the first time any of our group had ever done so); quickly we adopted garb, armor, improved weapons, etc. We immediately began weekly events and by spring of 1998 our group had already grown to several dozen member and quickly our weekly numbers rose to over 20. By Spring we would have brought on some more notable names; Eric Carpenter (Friar Telamacus), Eric Barnes (Shandril), Stan Barnes (Soram the Elder), and of course Dave Roby (Brock), just to name a few. The summer of 1998 was the greatest Amtgard I had, to date, been involved in. Finally this was what Amtgard was SUPPOSED to be. But lurking around the corner was a surprise, which would change Amtgard in the Midwest FOREVER.

In July of 1998, John Givens (Borokotor), received an unusual email one day from a Dan Patterson (Hobbit) who had just moved to Indianapolis from Texas and had formed a small Shire he was calling the Rising Winds, hailing from the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills. We became even more excited than we had in the past; now, finally we would meet real Amtgardians. We scheduled a time to meet at our park and we determined this would be a great time to make new friends, so we would hold a cookout to honor our neighbors. Well we were completely unprepared for what was about to happen. We had about 12-13 people playing when suddenly the invaders arrived, in mass. With full garb, face paint, a war chant and 20 or so screaming Rising Winds warriors they took position in our park and gave us 10 minutes to ready ourselves. Needless to say this was completely foreign to us. So of course we got our heads handed to us. Afterwards we would talk with Shelby Williams (Talthyr) and Dan Patterson (Hobbit) about Amtgard and how things worked in the "real" Amtgard world. Our eyes were now opening to a whole new understanding. Now we would have to repay these invaders. After all I wasn't about to let these upstarts tell me what to do.

So the following week we would assemble every member of the Shire of Windmoor Crossing to invade the Shire of the Rising Winds. And this time we thought it would be different. But as the fates would have it, we were once again smitten. Afterwards feelings had been hurt, ego's bruised and the real world reality was that no one on either side respected or liked each other. Yet the proposal to for a new land was broached. It was proposed that both parks would become part of The Shire of the Rising Winds. At the time I was the unfortunate Sheriff who made the proclamation that we would indeed merge and be one park under the banner of the Rising Winds and would swear allegiance to the Emerald Hills. (Note: The park that had bore the Rising Winds would now be renamed the Shire of Lyon's Tomb while Windmoor Crossing would maintain it's name as a park under the Baronial Banner.) This decision would in the short-term lead to a huge rift. The two parks would have a hard time relating to each other and would inevitably lead to the loss of many fine members of both parks. Under the leadership of Talthyr (Monarch) and Rigel (Regent) the Rising Winds would suffer several significant set backs, not as a result of their actions but simply as the result of two very different groups coming together. But as time would pass the two groups would loose the members who had held grudges and maintain the members with the greatest commitment to making the Rising Winds great.

During all of the Turmoil in Indianapolis, one brave soul would venture off to College to start what would become The Shire of Crusaders Cove, which was founded in the fall of 1998. Jalen Nathaniel Corbin would form the third park of the Rising Winds in Valporaiso Indiana. His populace would explode almost from the very beginning. He would attract many key people; Mark Sievers (Xugx), Joe McFadden (Morgoth), Ben Kliemek (Gregor and many others.

Meanwhile back in Indianapolis The Shire of the Rising Winds would be granted Baronial status by King Corbin of the Emerald Hills. Personality conflict and egocentric behavior, mostly on the part of this author, would slow the process of integrating these two populaces. It would not be until early 1999 that most of the personality conflicts would slowly wane and finally the business of running the Rising Winds, as a club, would begin. During March of 1999 our first elected Monarch would turn out to be a huge boost for the Barony of the Rising Winds. Brock Argenta would ascend to the Baronial seat and with him would be ushered in a new and profound era of prosperity for this infant Barony. This growth would begin immediately with the fourth park, known as Ashen Hills (Haslett Michigan), swearing themselves to the Rising Winds during Baron Brock's coronation. Within a month a fifth park, Fireoak Hold (Findlay Ohio), would also join the growing list of Rising Winds parks. This growth Barony wide would not end here. But the next few months would see trying times for the two original Shires that had propagated the Rising Winds.

In Indianapolis, the spring would not be so kind to the attendance of Windmoor Crossing and Lyons tomb. Each park had seen a decimation of their numbers to such an extent as by early summer both parks could barely provide double-digit attendance. All that was left were the die hards of both parks. Finally it was determined, by the urging of Baron Brock that both parks should be disbanded and a single park be reformed with all citizens from Windmoor Crossing and Lyons Tomb being brought under this new park, Gryphons Perch. Most of the animosities and old hatreds from the previous y ear had been weeded out and squashed. It was to be that Gryphons Perch would now see unprecedented growth. By now the Barony had 4 parks under it' s banner and as a unit they would march off to the Gathering of Clans in July of 1999.

Our First Clan as a united Barony would be an experience to help harden and bind the members of the Rising Winds. We would eat, fight and drink together. Once and for all any distrust, disloyalty or other petty infighting would be gone for good. Glavas as Prime minister would see to it that we as a group would help in any number of volunteer positions that we could, so as to get the name of the Rising Winds out and into the world of Amtgardia. A fact that by the end of our first clan the Rising Winds would be honored by Queen Kat of the Burning Lands (at the urging of Sir Ivar); with the bestowment of an Order of the Zodiac. An honor I assure you are most treasured to this day by members of the Rising Winds. We would in fact be the only group so honored at Clan that year. This would only be the beginning of our jubilation.

Within a matter of weeks after the Gathering of the Clans our Empress, Shaylen from our Mother Kingdom, the Emerald Hills, would elevate the Barony of the Rising Winds to the Duchy of the Rising Winds. This event would coincide with Brocks reelection as Duke of the Duchy of the Rising Winds. Furthermore we would see Glavas and Brock bestowed with the Noble titles of Lord.

As fall of 1999 led into winter it might have been expected that in the frozen wastes of the north, the Rising Winds would lay dormant. Quite to the contrary, Brock would now go on an offensive to unite Amtgardia in the Midwest. In December of 1999 Brock would lead the forces of the Rising Winds on a conquest of Griffons Ridge in Dayton Ohio. The Sheriff Gothic Sinclair would swear fealty to the Rising Winds, bringing the park count to 5. The reality had been that Griffons Ridge had submitted a petition to the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills to sponsor them. It was at the urging of our mother Kingdom that we aid this new group and provides the support that they would be unable to, due to distances involved.

After the first of the year Brock would now seek to gain friends on our borders and would start by raiding the Land of Black Rock Hills in West Virginia. This event although would prove too much a match for the forces of the Rising Winds but would indeed lead to an improved relationship with the Kingdom of Goldenvale, who was the parent of Blackrock Hills. Quickly following the eastern visit we would head west to another Goldenvale hold, known as Western Gate in St Louis. There we would once again be stopped but we would still come away with what I sense will be long term friendships.

Now with 5 parks, each showing some strength and friends on our borders, Brock was planning on concluding his successful reign. But we would receive one last petition from a group in Bellefontaine Ohio, known as Blackfire Pass. Pollux Lightchild would swear his small park to the Duchy and thereby ending Brocks reign with 6 parks. And with the end of a very successful year for the Duchy of the Rising Winds we would hold what was to become our crowning achievement to the date of the penning of this chronicle.

The Coronation of the next Monarch was to be overshadowed, and rightfully so, by the feast of the outgoing Baron Brock Argent. Over 130 people from all over the Amtgard World would attend the Coronation weekend and feast. Most notably would be the presence of Queen Lady Eclipse of the Emerald Hills, Duke Sir Lief of Emerald Hills, King Sir Tombo of Neverwinter, Sir Roger of Neverwinter, Prince Regent Kitirat of Neverwinter, Baron Lorax of Westerngate representing the monarchy of Goldenvale, as well as many other well-known personalities from throughout the Amtgard World. Many of us would be told that the Rising Winds indeed held what was good and true about Amtgard and had failed to be corrupted by it's failing of the past. I will look back for the rest of my life to this event as the turning point of the greatness of the Rising Winds.

Finally the Rising Winds, after all of its trials and tribulations has come of age. We were now recognized by most of the Amtgard world and had made strides that have gained us great support and praise from those who we hold in the highest of esteem. As the current Duke of the Great Land of the Rising Winds I now look into the future with high hopes for, and recall the humble beginnings of, this fine land. I will not forget, as long as I live, those who have sacrificed and the friends won and lost in the pursuit of the greatness, which is surly to become the legacy of the KINGDOM OF THE RISING WINDS.

Penned by Duke Areth Nar 4th Monarch of the Rising Winds On June 1st, 2000"

History of the Rising Winds Part II was listed as coming soon as of 5/25/15 From http://www.therisingwinds.com/about.html which will soon be retired


"A Picture is Worth...

When I embarked on the journey of creating a photo gallery for our kingdom it did not take me long to realize how difficult it would be to create what already exists scattered about the web. Instead of hosting all of the images and album within this site the decision was made to link out to the vast collection of images that already exist on sites such as dotPhoto and photobucket. So enjoy the links below and see what we are about if you are new to us, or swim in the memories if you are one of us.

dotPhoto Accounts

If you have an album that you would like added to this list please let me know, conversly if you want your removed please do the same.

The Rising Winds - Photo sharing account established for the Rising Winds.

PhotoBucket Accounts

Western Gate - Pictures for Western Gate in St. Louis, MO.

Corranna Yngling - Corrana has been a member of the Rising Winds since 2000 and her home chapter is Gryphon's Perch in Indianapolis, IN.

Ronin Thelas - Pictures of the Rising Winds Midreign June 2008 by this member of Cursed Prairie in East Peoria, IL. The password is "Amtgard" without the quotes.

Ashen Hills - Many great photos from the Ashen Hills website. Ashen Hills is in Lansing, MI

Ristil - Ristil is from the Frostlands in Oshkosh, WI.

Flickr Accounts

Aliana Dragon - A member of Everfield in Richmond, IN

Dragon House - More photos from Everfield.

SmugMug Accounts

[1] - Eledan is a member of the Port of Winters Night in Valparaiso, IN.

Website built and maintained by Azmandius Content is © of The Rising Winds 2008-2011"

Non-Corpora Althing Decisions

"These are Althing decisions that we enacted that do not change the copora but are still in effect. Decisions that have been superseded have been removed. 8-26-01 Every other month Treasury report at Althing and online. Result: Motion Passed 03-24-02 Shadow questioned if ten entries are required for qualifying, what happens if eleven entries are made? The monarchy agreed the ten highest entries would go toward qualifying. (This was a Monarch decision that has not been overturned) 05-18-02 Create a yearly calendar skeleton to provide approximate dates for all known major events. For: 19 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 10-05-02 Should the Rising Winds subgroups be able to collect dues, and have it count towards the individuals Kingdom dues? For: 9 Against: 4 Abstain: 5 Standardize relics as of Coronation I with a 6 month rotation. For: 16 Against: 1 Abstain: 1 Should declaration for officers not be finalized until after qualifications? For: 17 Against: 0 Abstain: 1 01-11-03 Allow Regent to be able to spend over 10% of funds for future feasts as long as an “expected expense report” is submitted prior to the event at an Althing. The Althing may veto his expected expense report and require the Regent to revise. For: 23 Against: 0 Abstain: 2 02-08-03 Once an A&S entry receives an award, it cannot receive another of the same award at any other Quals or Dragonmaster. For: 11 Against: 2 Abstain: 0 Should subgroup wins in a row be separate from Kingdom winds in a row. For: 13 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 03-15-03 Allow spending of over 10% of kingdom funds for use of the Fallen Rock campground for all future kingdom events that are held at Fallen Rock. For: 17 Against: 0 Abstain: 1 07-19-03 Vote: $100 may be paid for dues to make the member dues paid for life. This is a non-transferable from previous dues paid records and only applies at a one time full donation of $100. For: 23 Against: 2 Abstain: 1 09-06-03 Future Kingdom Weaponmaster/Dragonmaster events are to be held at Gryphon’s Perch.* For: 14 Against: 1 Abstain: 1

  • A Corpora Change has added that the Weaponmaster/Dragonmaster may be held at the Monarch’s Midreign

Event. 05-22-04 Kingdom Coronations and Midreigns shall be held at Fallen Rock. Vote: For: 23 Against: 15 Abstain: 5 11-24-04 Revert section 1 of the Monetary Document to "Kingdom level Dues Paid Members (DPM) will receive 10 Talons upon becoming dues paid." Vote: For: 59 Against: 9 Abstain: 6 5-29-05 The entire length of bamboo weapons must be taped (including under the foam). Vote: For: 49 Against: 5 Adopt updated Relic List. This relic list updates all the relics to the new Rules of Play v7.0. List included below. Vote: For: 42 Against: 1 Kingdom Relics Coronation Relics: Sword of Flame Is considered flame (as per Flameblade) and will kill a victim if it strikes any legal unprotected area (as per Imbue Weapon). Confers upon itself and its owner Protection from Flame. May only be used by one person, for one life, per game. Orb of Healing Allows a healer to cast the heal spell by saying "Sword cut, spear stab, mace smash, arrow jab, the white light of healing has healed thee". In the hands of any other class it allows the user to cast the heal spell as per healer. Gauntlets of Ogre Power The Wearer gains the Strong trait. Strong: Melee weapons become Red. Melee weapons that are already Red do an extra point of damage to armor for a total of three. Mithril Chain A gray tabard that grants 3 points of armor to anyone who wears it. This is NOT invulnerability. The armor only protects where the tabard covers. May be worn by any class. (Except Barbarians of course) Heimdall’s Horn A one handed .red. weapon only usable by barbarians, and in fact, the only relic allowed to barbarians. Ring of Power Negates the first hit from each separate opponent per battlegame. Counts against weapons and any enchantments only, it is ineffective against spells and magic balls. Does work against class abilities. Midreign Relics: Shard of the Dracolich A black dagger that grants undead immunities to the bearer while wielded. These immunities are: Death, Subdual, Control, Poison, Disease Holy Sword A long sword that when wielded by a Warrior, Monk, Healer, or Paladin, grants Paladin immunities to the wielder, only. The weapon itself is immune as well when wielded by one of the classes listed above. The immunities are: Subdual and Death Dagger of Infinite Penetration When thrown destroys all non-invulnerable armor on the hit location struck and continues through to hit the target. Counts as one hit against invulnerability and invulnerability armor. If it strikes a shield the shield is destroyed without affecting the wielder. Shield of Reflection Is completely indestructible. Will negate any effect that strikes it, even siege weapons and magic. Any magic ball of the Subdual school striking the Shield of Reflection instead affects the caster. Home Stone Allows the holder to Mend broken weapons and shields (I: .I mend this item. x 10). It also allows the person’s dead teammates to come back alive at his location rather than having to return to their base. Orb of Negation Grants upon the bearer immunity to all schools of magic and all magical effects. May only be used one life per game. Adopt new Role Play Rules. This updates the Role Play Rules to the new Rules of Play v7.0. Rules included below. Vote: For: 39 Against: 2 Role Play Rules Every Kingdom handles role play combat and “Feast Rules” in a wide variety of ways. We here in the Rising Winds have created a standard for role play combat outside of battle games. These guidelines are not designed to limit or confine role play, but set rules for when the RP situation moves into combat and spells. Hopefully you will enjoy your role play experience as much as the battle field. When role play and combat do not mix Just a note on unsafe situations. If a person is carrying live steel (even “peace bound”) or any other unsafe equipment they may not engage or be engaged in any form of combat (this includes magic). Safety is always first. Class Abilities and Lives When at a Rising Winds event it is requested that you choose a class for role play situations (it may be different from the class that you have chosen to sign in as) and remain in that single class during role play situations until the completion of the event. When playing your class within the bounds of role play there are several differences from the battle game rules: 1. Lives. You only have one life. You may be resurrect, re-animated, etc., but you have only one class given life. If you die you may continue role play as a Peasant (as per the 7.0 rules) until Reset (described below). 2. Abilities. For your one life you receive use of your class abilities as if all your class lives were combined into one. Example: A 6th level warrior would receive 6 Improved Weapon, 6 Repair Item, but only 2 Improved Shield. Note: A barbarian may become berserk or become not berserk as many times as they may become berserk during a normal battle game. Berserk armor does not reset but may be healed. 3. Spells. Allocate spell points as you would for a normal battle game. Once you are complete you will receive uses of the spells as if you had all of your lives. Example: a first level Wizard purchases 3 Heat Weapon and 4 Imbue Shield he will gain 12 uses of Heat Weapon (a per life spell) and only 4 Imbue Shield (a per game spell). Note: The only effect of Wizard’s Vivify is that the wizard will gain an extra life worth of spells (purchase one Heat Weapon and receive 5 uses vice 4) 4. Reset. At 6:00am each morning of an event all role play lives, abilities, and spells are reset. If you died the previous day and have been playing as a “peasant warrior” you may now go back to being your persona with all class abilities. If you had not died the day before you gain the use of all spells, abilities, etc… as if you had just started fresh. On another note all spells and enchantments cast the previous day, as well as persistent class abilities, are now gone. 5. Tents, cabins, and campers are off limits unless invited in. 7-17-05 Adopt new Looting Rules This updates the Looting Rules to encompass Althing decisions. Rules included below. Vote: For: 40 Against: 3 Looting Rules In the Rising Winds we allow the "looting" or taking of certain items from players. Looting – While the player is “dead” you must touch their body with an empty hand and state "searching" as follows: 1. If you use one empty hand you must count "searching 1, searching 2…" through "searching 20". 2. If you use two empty hands you must count "searching1, searching 2…" through "searching 10". Reminder - count is synonymous with seconds. If the player has a relic, in game item or talon he or she must relinquish one of them, the looter's choice, to the looter unless stated otherwise in the rules of the current battle game. If a player is shattered he must remain on the field for a 150 count or until searched, safety permitting. Warning - If you leave a battle game with a relic before you are shattered, or before your 150 count is completed after being shattered, the relic is considered forfeit and goes to the local monarch for redistribution through quest or tourney. Quest Monsters - Personal relics and talons cannot be looted from participants playing a non-persona monster for quest. A quest monster may not loot, exception - in game items. If you choose to play a monster in a battle game or quest, but are not a quest monster, or became a monster through a transformation or reincarnation you may be looted. Special Note - Only active combatants of the battle game may loot. " from http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/noncorpdecisions.pdf

09 Nov 2008

"Althing was called to order by King Thorvald King Thorvald presided over the Althing Champion Dart controlled who had the floor (who's turn it was to speak) Azmandius and Kraven counted votes. The following are the results of the items up for vote: ‐ Item One ‐ Proposals for adding additional checks and balances for Knightings Thorvald removed his proposal Kaads removed his proposal Clyde's Proposal: 40 MIGS present Add VIII.b.2. The power to grant knighthood rests solely with the kingdom level monarch. VIII.b.2.a. (Exception) The monarch must submit the names of the person(s) they wish to grant knighthood to to the Circle of Knights at least one month before the next scheduled Circle of Knights meeting. At that meeting the Circle of knights may, by a three quarters(75% ) majority vote (if a quorum is present) , veto the ability of the monarch to grant knighthood to the person(s) submitted. The person(s) may be submitted again for consideration at the next Circle of Knights For ‐ 20 | Against ‐ 14 Item fails to receive 2/3 approval ‐ Item two ‐ Adding non‐ladder awards back into the corpora Chiba's proposal tabled for further review by king Thorvald ‐ Item three ‐ Change to MIGS attendance requirements Haydeez tabled his proposal to changed wording ‐ Item four ‐ Change to midreign elections Kaads' Proposal: 28 MIGS present At this time the scribe cannot find Kaads' proposed wording. Since it did fail the scribe is ending his search. For ‐ 0 | Against ‐ 7 | Abstain ‐ 21 Item fails to receive 2/3 approval Clyde's Proposal Change section VII.B.3. to read: "The Monarch shall hold declarations for candidates for two weeks one month prior to Midreign, and shall close declarations at midnight saturday, two weeks before midreign. Remove sections VII.C.2., VII.C.3., VII.D.3., VII.D.4., and IX.F.1.a. For ‐ 24 | Against ‐ 3 | Abstain ‐ 1 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item five ‐ Change to seeding Clyde's Proposal: 29 MIGS present The comments between the asterisks will be added d: Of all participants signed up for a warskill event at a major kingdom level tourney, the four with the highest amount of seed points *ACCRUED IN THE PREVIOUS 4(FOUR) TOURNAMENTS* shall be seeded into the brackets with the highest seed point total holder having the number one seed and so on. Ties in seed point totals will be decided first by highest order of the warrior, and failing that, the discretion of the champion. For ‐ 29 | Against ‐ 0 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item six ‐ Chane reeves guild to 70% to pass Clyde's Proposal: 29 MIGS present Change section IV.D.3. from... Members of the Reeves Guild will consist of those who have taken the Reeves test within the past six months and passed at 75% or better. ..To... Members of the Reeves Guild will consist of those who have taken the Reeves test within the past six months and passed at 70% or better. For ‐ 29 | Against ‐ 0 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item seven ‐ Remove "changing rules for safety" Clyde's proposal: 30 MIGS present Remove the following line from section VI.D.1.e. "A rule may be changed by an Althing decision in instances where safety is concerned." For ‐ 30 | Against ‐ 0 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item eight ‐ Hold quals at least 3 weeks prior to coronation Clyde's proposal: 30 MIGS present Change section IX.A.1 to read: "Qualifications will be held at least 3 weeks prior to the Crown Coronation." For ‐ 29 | Against ‐ 1 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item Nine ‐ Allow PM to appoint person to run quals if the regent is running for re‐election Clyde's proposal: 30 MIGS present Change section II.D.1.f.1 to read: "Should they be running for another term or position, the Prime minister shall appoint a member in good standing to run the cultural qualifications in their stead." For ‐ 30 | Against ‐ 0 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item 10 ‐ Spelling correction Clyde's proposal: 29 MIGS present Change section II.D.1.g. to read: At the end of his or her term, the Regent shall present a list of awards, titles, and honors given by him/her during his/her reign to the incoming Monarch or Prime Minister. Adds an "f" in a word fixing a minor spelling error that changes "o" to "of." For ‐ 25 | Against ‐ 3 | Abstain ‐ 1 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval ‐ Item 11 ‐ Standardize quals scoring to a scale of 0 to 5 Clyde's proposal: 28 MIGS present Move section IX.A.9. to IX.A.9.1 Add Section IX.A.9. "All Crown qualification Cultural entries will be judged on a point scale of 0(zero) to 5(five) with five being the highest possible score." For ‐ 25 | Against ‐ 1 | Abstain ‐ 2 Proposal received the required 2/3 approval New Business King Thorvald announced the he had given Ivey the position of Kingdom Quartermaster. She will present an inventory of Kingdom assets at the next Althing and make recommendations concerning the removal of non‐functional assets. The Althing was closed by King Thorvald. " http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/08nov09.pdf

Sept 28 2008

Althing 28 September 2008 The Althing was called to order by King Thorvald. 1. Thorvald announced that he would be using his 10% to offset the travel costs associated with this large kingdom. He provided the following figures based on 25 miles to the gallon and $3.60 per gallon: Pheonix Tears and Cursed Prairie……811 miles……$115.00 Dragons Tales and Gryphon’s Perch…568 miles……$82.00 Madocs Keep and Five Oaks…………518 miles……$75.00 North Haven and Frostlands…………1070 miles…...$154.00 PWN and Thundering Rivers…………538 miles……$78.00 Cordis Medegar and Western Gate……839 miles…...$120.00 Ashen Hills and Satyrs Crossing………541 miles…..$78.00 Total estimated cost is $702.00 Thorvald stated that this list will have to be modified due to the removal of Thundering Rivers from the kingdom. He additionally stated that he is sorry that he could not make it to all of the groups in the kingdom. Thorvald will be posting a schedule for his visits soon. 2. Katzu and Brock proposed adding to the Corpora an addition check and balance to the knighting process by giving the CoK the power to veto a knight candidate. At this time the King may knight anyone he wishes with or without the consent of the CoK, and while the CoK may suggest members to be knighted the King has no obligation to listen. With the new proposal it will give the CoK the ability veto a King’s choice of a knight candidate. The King will still be under no obligation to knight anyone that he does not wish to knight, but it gives the CoK the option to prevent a knighting that they do not approve of. Specific wording to be posted before the Midreign Althing. 3. Hadez proposed changing the attendance requirement to be a member in good standing (MiGS) in the Corpora. The current requirement is for a MiGS to participate 7 time in 6 months at an RW group or event. Hadez has proposed that the requirement be changed to 6 times in 3 month. Specific wording to be posted before the Midreign Althing. 4. Hadez proposed adding to the Corpora that to be a MiGS you need to live within 75 miles of an RW subgroup. After much discussion he withdrew the proposal. 5. Angel proposed that the RW purchase medical supplies to be used by first responders. She volunteered to be responsible for the supplies. After much discussion it was decided that for the present time Hexloc would use a portion of his allowed 10% of the kingdom coffers as a donation to Angel so that she may purchase what she feels is necessary. In doing so she is acting on her own and is not affiliated with the kingdom in her personal actions. Azmandius volunteered to complete research concerning the legal ramifications of the RW creating a Med-o-crat position for events. At this time the RW does not have a med-o-crat and all members assisting other injured members are doing so out of their own good graces. 6. Io proposed changing the Kingdom Waiver so that it will include additional information such as better emergency contact info and a member phone number or email. Meara of Phoenix Tears stated that the Waiver they have been using is the Kingdom Waiver with a box at the bottom that they added for additional information. Azmandius stated that the Waiver can be changed without it affecting the Corpora and requested that Meara send a copy of their waiver to him as a basis for updating the general Kingdom Waiver. 7. Thorvald stated as a reminder to everyone that if they bring a person to an event that is under the age of 18 they need to ensure that they have a guardianship for signed by the person’s parent or guardian in case of emergencies. Azmandius volunteered to research and add links to the kingdom website to forms for various states. 8. A request was made that a map or brochure be provided at gate with directions to the local hospital in case of emergencies that do not require an ambulance. 9. A motion was made to close the Althing and it passed unanimously. " http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/08sep28.pdf

June 22 2008

"General recap on some things. First of all I will be entering all the awards given out this event. I plan on having those and all credits entered by Thursday evening at the latest. Treasury Report 3576.98 1560‐ feast budget 100‐ gate change 12+ dues paid 100+ DPFL 90+ Auction donations 3600+ Gate pull 100+ gate change put back in 400+ feast budget returned 500‐ loan to Chiba for origins, projected repayment in full dec. 1457‐ Fallen Rock due 425‐ monarch 10% (rounded down figure) collected after all event changes final total 3836.98 Althing happenings. Chiba requested $500 for the running of an Origins demo. Projected repayment scheduled for December. Motion passed. Copora Change Change II E 4 a to read a. Should the Prime Minister miss more than six weeks in a row or ten weeks total during their reign, or fail to enter credits into the ORK for 4 consecutive weeks, he/she shall descend from office. Motion passed A vote of no confidence was put forth against Mercury in his role as Champion of the kingdom. Motion failed. The next althing will be held at GP on 7/20/08. start time of the althing will be 1:30, this is subject to change but not likely. Items that will be up for discussion: The sale of a BFT and the large grill at fallen rock. Resale values will be provided at the althing, possibly to the list as well prior to the althing. The renting of a large tent, similar to what was had at Olympiad a few years back. Figures on this will be provided at the althing, possibly to the list prior to the althing. BOD meeting ‐ after the elections the seats of the bod are currently held by Clyde (monarch seat)‐ Pres of the Bod hexloc (prime minister seat) Brock ‐ seat up in Nov 08 Thorvald ‐ seat up in Nov 08 Kravin ‐ seat up in June 09 Juicy ‐ seat up in June 09 Heydeez ‐ seat up in June 09 hexloc RW PiMp" http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/08jun22.pdf

Jan 26 2008

"Hexloc will be allowed to continue in his office as PM and a BOD member, despite his lack of adherence to the required attendance policy for these positions." This issue passed the vote, 3‐0. Any questions? (These notes were posted by Hexloc) http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/08jan26.pdf

Dec 09 2007

"Althing Results Dec 9,2007 Old Stuff 1. Remove the honor of Master Rose from ONYX. Failed 2 Remove all awards/titles/honors from ONYX and ban him from running for office for 2 yrs. Motion removed from agenda. --- New Stuff It was discussed to lift the suspension on ONYX. The king said no. (Posted by Hexloc) " http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/07dec9.pdf

apr 02 2006

Althing Results for 2006APR02

    • Item One: Change Section VII.1.a. The Prime Minister will submit a list of all members in good standing by midnight the day of Crown Qualifications.

To VII.1.a. The Prime Minister will submit to the RWBOD Chairman a list of all members in good standing by midnight the day of Crown Qualifications. This list will also be posted to the Rising Winds Yahoo Group. 16 votes For 5 votes against Item Passes

    • Item Two: Change Section VII.2.a The Prime Minister will submit a list of all members in good standing by midnight the day of Weapon Master/Dragon Master.

To VII.2.a The Prime Minister will submit a list of all members in good standing to the RWBOD Chairman by midnight the day of Weapon Master/Dragon Master. This list will also be posted to the Rising Winds Yahoo Group. 19 votes for 2 votes against Item Passes

**Item Three: Add section VII.8 Election oversight shall be the responsibility of the Rising Winds Board of Directors.
a. Upon close of an election the two members holding the election have 24 hours to forward the election results to the RWBOD Chairman. If the RWBOD Chairman is one of the two holding the election then he/she shall appoint an RWBOD member to fill the position of Chairman for the purposes of election oversight.
i. The results will not contain the names of individual voters but will have the results listed by subgroup for verification purposes
b. The RWBOD Chairman then has 24 hours to review the results.
i. If the RWBOD Chairman validates the results by declaring the election to be fair and ethical the results, listed by final vote count only, will be posted to the Rising Winds Yahoo Group.
ii. If the RWBOD Chairman feels that there is unfair or unethical behavior in the election he will inform the full membership of the RWBOD
c. The full membership of the RWBOD shall have 120 hours (5 days) to pursuit an investigation of the results.
i. The investigation may lead to disciplinary action against any member found to be involved in improper behavior in the election. This may include removing the right of one or more candidates and/or voters from participating in the election.
ii. If the investigation finds that one or both of the members conducting the election are compromised in some fashion the RWBOD may replace one or both of them with members in good standing from the list submitted by the Prime Minister.
d. Before the end of the 120 hours the RWBOD shall hold a vote to validate the results or to hold a new election.
i. If the election results are validated the RWBOD shall post to the Rising Winds Yahoo Group the investigation results and the final vote count for the election.
ii. If the RWBOD votes to have a new election they shall post to the Rising Winds Yahoo Group the reasons for the new election, the list of valid candidates, and the list of valid voters. The new election shall commence from the time of the posting of the information to the Rising Winds Yahoo Group to noon on Saturday of the event (Coronation or Midreign) that is the kingdom event immediately following the normal end of the election. Tabled for rewording 19 for 5 against Item is tabled for rewording
    • Item Four: Change Section I.4.b.i.1 ‘Occasionally’ is defined as at least 4 (four) times in the 6

(six) months immediately prior to the end of declarations for Crown, Prime Minister, or Guild elections. To I.4.b.i.1 ‘Occasionally’ is defined as at least 7 (Seven) times in the 6 (six) months immediately prior to the end of declarations for Crown, Prime Minister, or Guild elections. 15 votes for 4 votes against Item passes

    • Item Five: Change Section X.6.b Subgroups may not award Defenders, Dreamkeepers, Hellriders, Masks, or Walker of the Middles.

To X.6.b Subgroups may not award Defenders, Dreamkeepers, Hellriders, Hydras, Masks, or Walker of the Middles. 5 votes for 16 votes against Item Fails

    • Item Six: Remove Section VIII.6.b Order of the Crimson ( included is section VIII.6.b.i thru section VIII.6.b.iv)

NOTE: Crimsons will be converted to roses on a case by case basis by the current monarch. 0 votes for 16 against Item fails

    • Item Seven: Add Section X.9 Kingdom Tithe

A. Each Subgroup under the Rising Winds will pay a portion of the money collected for dues to the kingdom.

1. The portion is 2 dollars for every 6 dollars collected.

2. This portion will be the same for every subgroup. 3. Subgroups that are identified as being under a Principality that functions under their own Corpora are exempt of this tithe. 4. It is the responsibility of the subgroup’s Chancellor to forward the tithe to the Prime Minister. i. Talons given to a subgroups Chancellor for dues paid people may only be paid out if the subgroups tithe is paid. ii. Dues are only considered paid if the tithes for those dues are paid to the Prime Minister. 1 vote for 24 votes against Item fails Note: This will not go into effect until 2 months after its ratification. Item Eight: Remove Althing Decision to hold all Coronations and Midregins at Fallen Rock Campground. 13 votes for 13 votes against King Warbird broke the tie with a vote against Item Fails Item Nine: Remove Althing Decision to Stair step Orders of the Warrior.

19 votes for 13 votes against Item Passes
    • Item Ten: Add Section II.5.a.i.5 The Prime Minister is responsible for forming and posting a financial report every month.

a. This Report is due at every Althing b. This report must include funds found in kingdom coffers and in the kingdom bank account.

24 votes for 0 votes against Item passes
    • Item Eleven: Add section II.5.a.ii.5 The Prime Minister may keep no more than (100.00) one hundred dollars cash in the coffers at any time.
a. Exceptions, events and any funds in transport to or from the bank. 28 votes for 0 votes against Item passes 


feb 18 2006

An Althing was held at Everfeild on Feb. 18 2006 There was 12 members in good standing in attendance The althing was opened by Sir.Dekland at 3:00 PM and closed by Sir. Dekland at 3:23 PM PM gave financial report ( i will send in separate e-mail) Item one . Remove the althing decision to have all Mid-reigns and Coronations at Fallen Rock campground was Removed from the agenda by the proposer and no vote was taken. Sir Dekland made a request to spend $120.00 for a band at Coronation from Kingdom funds.

Vote 11 for Passes
0 agents
Azamandius brought up Sir. Macavelli attendance, and requested to know if he was in violation of the Corpora's standard for holding kingdom office.
The Prime Minister stated yes he was in violation of the Limits of Office for regent.
And subsequently Sir Macavelli descended from office, and it was left to Sir. Deklend to discuss this with Sir. Mac. The office of Regent was left unoccupied for the time being. Sir Dekland will be updating the populace as soon as that information becomes available.
Kravin Morhed
RW Prime Minister
BOD Chairman 


Dec 11 2005

Althing 2006DEC11 Item one: WM/DM will be held with in a 150 mile radius of the geographical center of the kingdom

====Item one 7 for 15 against Item failed
    • Item two: Corpora changes posted on the Egroup by Azmandius.
====Item two 16 for 3 against Item Passes (azmandius will have a updated copy of the corpora avable soon)
    • Item three: Remove the order of the crimson from the corpora(if passed, I will convert crimsons on a case by case basis by the amount of paper awards a person has, not what the ork says - Ceaser Sir Dekland)
==== Item three was removed by Kravin, for not being formed in the wording of the Corpora. (item has been reworded and added to the Coronation Althing)
    • Item four: Add Section III.5.a. The BOD has the power to investigate and over turn an election if proven that votes where obtained by illegal means.
==== Item four 5 for 13 against. item failed
**Item five: Add section VIII.5.E. (chart) master monster to the class master hood section of the corpora
==== item five 18 for 0 against item passes 
Item Six: Remove the Althing decision to use the Armor Guide. The 7.0 rules of play do a good job.
=== item six 18 for 0 against item passes
**Item Seven: Allow Azmandius to make changes to the Bylaws document to make it in line with the Corpora. (The bylaws are a second document that contains pertinent information for state and federal government as well as expanded information on how the B.O.D. is to conduct itself).
==== item removed by person who requested it.. (item will be reworded and added to the Cora nation althing)
**Item Eight : Change section III.2. to read -Must pass a By Laws test by the opening of elections to be placed on the ballot.
Section III.2.a would be unchanged
Section III.2.b would be changed to read- Current B.O.D. members will be responsible for administering the By Laws test.
==== Item removed by person who requested it..( item will be reworded and added to the coronation althing)
** Indicates Corporal changes requiring ¾ yes vote to pass
Althing reports
Monarch's report... The principality of Midgar will be hosting the Coronation Feast from there own funds as an aid to the Kingdom.
Regent... Not present
Prime Minister's report.
I will be posting a complete overview of Midregin's cash flow and Kingdom treasury report. 
The next althing will be held at Five Oaks January 15 2006 at

12:00 noon. http://www.therisingwinds.com/docs/minutes/05dec11m.pdf

Nov 13 2005

Althing November 13 2005 Items one Thur four tabled for rewording

Item 5
4.c.1 Dues payed for life, non transferable, one time fee of $100 dollars.(back dated to 7/19/03, this was the original date this item was passed and never made it officially in the corpora)
new business
Azmandios' corpora was resubmitted for approval(the link will be put up asap)
no other new business early DEC for next althing at GP
meeting closed
