Nexus Crow

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Nexus sitting.jpg
Nexus Crow
Home Park Goldenvale
Kingdom Goldenvale
Year Started 2004
Noble Title None
Belt Status Squire

Squire Nexus Crow of Goldenvale

"I refuse to say that I can't do something. Give me the supplies and some time and I'll figure it out."
"Nexus, stop teaching, you're going to the emergency room!" - Duchessa Esselia


He was introduced to the game by Samantha Three Jugs's daughter, joining in December 2004. Initially he played at Centaur's Glade, followed by Mourningwood Glen, Midnight Sun, and Finders Keep. He was Prime Minister of Centaur's Glade in 2005 and 2006 and later Regent of the Emerald Hills while at Finders Keeper in 2007. He became squired to Nightengael in 2006. In May 2007, he moved to New Hampshire and would not play again until 2010 when he joined Goldenvale. In September 2012, he received Master Dragon from Queen Miaka.

He became engaged to Nydgenga Dawnbreaker in March 2012.

Nexus Crow.
Taken June 2012.
Nexus Crow, Nydgenga Dawnbreaker, and Lync.
Nexus Crow (left), Nydgenga Dawnbreaker (middle), and Lync (right) at Fury of the Northlands in 2012.

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Nice guy
  • Prime Minister, Centaur's Glade, August 2005 - August 2006
  • The Mad Hatter (Regent), Emerald Hills, December 2006 - June 2007
  • Dragonmaster, Goldenvale, December 2011
  • Dragonmaster, Goldenvale, May 2012
  • Master Dragon, Goldenvale, September 2012
  • Bowen's third wife
    • He was later upgraded to being the second wife.

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