Norman Wulp

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Man at arms Norman "Norm" Wulp of Crimson Wood, Westmarch/Dragonspine

"FOR FREEMAAN!" "Bang Bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down, upon her head... Clang Clang Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that she was dead."


(Taken on Darkshore 2012, Norm and his Lord, Stone)


Early Days/Eden


Norm began playing Amtgard in spring of 2011, swiftly finding himself a place with a household of other new recruits. Though it soon fell apart, Norm endured, and flurished, earning himself a place in the Tribe of the Wild Blood.

The Persona of Norm is a man from a paradise world called Eden. Once a member of the royal family, in this utopia in the clouds, an act of courtly intrigue sent young Norm away from his home. No longer in the paradise above the clouds, the lost man found himself an outsider. A Barbarian.

Stone and his training. 528430_468629773147636_163611708_n.jpg

With the guidence and aide of Crimson Wood's local Master Barbarian Stone, Norm swiftly came into his own. Taking up garb making and weapon crafting. His battle prowess advanced swiftly, but it was his good nature and commanding bellow that caught the eye of the other Barbarians. It was after Stone was granted the title of Lord, that Norm was raised to his own title as Man at arms. You can typically see Norm walking to amtgard sporting a backpack larger than him, witch is named Gaben. Norm is always wanting to know and understand amtgard and the people around him, and is always willing to lend a helping hand.


Norm accompanied Stone to Darkshore 2012, but went on his own to Flurbtastic, where he made a strong showing of his positive attitude, and his sense of humor, by playing the Tavern Hobo.


The sign reads "Family killed by orcs, need money for barbarian lessons!". Needless to say, Norm made LOTS of gold, and gold = Dr.Pepper.

Weaponry and Fighting

Norm typically employs a single short and shield, learning more skill and technique each passing week.

Affiliated Groups

Norm is a member in good standing of the Tribe of the Wild Blood.

And last standing member of Shirewood.

Belted Family

Man At Arms To Lord Stone