Sunset Cliffs

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Sunset Cliffs, a Freehold

A chapter located in San Diego, California.


None as yet.


Several members of Siar Geata have long wished to start a group in San Diego in hopes of drawing more mundanes into the fold. With the immigration of people like Miles Ookami, Trieste, and the imminent arrival of Dread Pirate Wesley, this has come to fruition. Tree has taken point on the organization/drive side of things, and Progress is Being Made.

This group held its first meeting September 20, 2009 at Presidio Park in San Diego. In attendenace:


Dread Pirate Wesley
Lag Dourn


  • Trieste is the acting Monarch/Do-Everything-Guy

Contacts and Directions

Sunset Cliffs meets at Presidio Park on Sundays at 2:00pm.

Fighter practice is being held at UCSD on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, on Stonehenge Field, just south of Galbraith Hall, Revelle Campus @ 4:00 pm