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Revision as of 02:55, 5 September 2023

==Assana Clan==
''Improvise. Adapt. Survive.''

===Biography of Group===
We were nearly destroyed 2000 years ago. We have been scattered to the four winds. Our Captains have brought us together to remember. To remember our ancestors. To remember our homeland. To remember our honor! Now, once again our banner flies high! Once again we are filled with strength, with fire! Once again people will know the name: Assana
===Affiliated Groups===

=== Members ===
==="[[Baronet Severek Shatterclaw]]" - "Battlefield Big Cheese", "the Ignored", "No Longer", Paragon Barbarian - Captain of the Assana Clan"===
==="[[Daimyo Sir Vyse Blackwood]] -Knight of the Crown, Lieutenant of the Assana Clan"===
==="[[Morgan Whitewave]] - 101st (Founding) Captain of the Assana Clan"===
==="[[Lord Waylin Bluemoon]] - 101st (Founding) Lieutenant of the Assana Clan"===
==="[[Lord Halfstar de Grune Jager]] - Paragon Archer, Assanan Memeber===
==="[[Lady Edris Firethorn]] - Assanan Member"===
==="[[Lady Luna Darkheart]]" - Assanan Member"===
==="[[Alucard]]" - Assanan Member===

==="[[Ghost]]" - of Raven's Cross===
==="[[Thrawn]]" - of Raven's Cross===
==="[[Revna Reignleif]]" - of Evermore Hollow===
==="[[Pollo]]" - of Evermore Hollow===
===Notable Accomplishments===

====Additional Images====

*Link to image 1
*Link to image 2

*[[https://www.facebook.com/groups/427968977353341/?ref=eyJzaWQiOiIwLjE2MDUyNzc1MjczOTAxNDM3IiwicXMiOiJKVFZDSlRJeVZHaGxKVEl3UVhOellXNWhKVEl3UTJ4aGJpVXlNaVUxUkEiLCJndiI6IjI5ZjRhZGI2NjcyZTMwYTBjYzA2ZDA0ZTQxM2JhMDFlYzgzODg1MmYifQ{{Facebook Groups Page}}]
*[["Web address here" {{Web Page}}]]
*Contact theassanaclan@gmail.com for more information.